
Awesome products that were once just ideas stuck in someone’s head.

Migjonela represents, invents and promotes innovative products and new technologies for retail and industrial channels. All products and technologies we sell are unique, innovative, and consumer-focused.

We introduce innovative products and technologies to our website every month to make your life fun, healthier and more convenient. All products has been examined and reviewed by our team.


Creme de sementes

A new product launch. Our nutritionist has developed a delicious selection of foods made up of superfoods or super foods. Many people do not eat seeds because it takes a lot of effort to grind apart from being between their teeth. But they end up missing the opportunity to get the vitamins they need for a healthy life. Our nutritionist solved these seed problems by turning them into an easy-to-eat creamy paste. Releasing all nutrients in one container.

In 2013 a study by Harvard researchers found that people who eat seeds every day lived longer and healthier than people who didn't eat seeds. Said Doctor Frank Hu professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Each year the percentage of health conscious people increases. Our nutritionist can design a product for people with specific medical conditions depending on the quantity or order. This product is being sold in stores and sales are increasing weekly.

This product is only available in Brazil.

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