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Cadeira de Piano Inglês Antigo Rainha Anne era um estilo por excelência da mobília inglesa do século dezoito que combinava elegância com eficiência. Esta cadeira de piano tem sobre de 285 anos e necessita de alguns restauros. Eu acredito que ele teve uma trocar de tecido desde quando foi feito. Teve alguma restauração em uma […]

Gerador Auto-Sustentável

Na Inglaterra, estivemos no processo com um fisicista cientista inventando um conceito inovador de energia auto-sustentável em pequena escala de um gerador. Esta concepção Inovativa vai produzir 5600 kWh de energia elétrica constante. Observou-se que o consumo médio de energia elétrica nas residências Brasileiras foi de 152,2 kWh/mês, mas há grande variação no país. A […]

Why Brazil For Medical Tourism

Since its emergence as a sought-after service niche, medical tourism has become one of Brazil’s fastest-growing industries, a global role reflected in the sophistication of its physicians, surgeons and medical facilities. According to the Medical Tourism Association, about 14 million people in the world travel to other countries in search of medical care annually. According […]

Brazilian Products Export List

This list of exportable products from Brazil is compiled by us to give foreign buyers investors some knowledge of what we have determined is financially viable. Frozen Bovine Meat – In 2020, Brazil was the largest exporter of beef worldwide with exports amounting to a value of of 7.4 billion U.S. dollars. Prices are considerably […]

Brazil-Caribbean Trade Relations

What Migjonela is trying to achieve is more trade between the Caribbean countries and Brazil. There are only 7 Foreign Embassies and Consulates of Caribbean Countries based in the territory of Brazil. Barbados, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. The other caribbean countries should not only wake up and smell the […]

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